Tuesday, November 29

good advice from a cuppla goldenrods

good advice from a cuppla goldenrods
Watercolor on Paper
9 x 5.5
$35 unframed contact the artist here here

A long walk on a chill day yielded a surprise greeting from two wise goldenrods.
They came home to persevere in a vase for almost 3 weeks, not missing a beat.

Friday, August 5

Wedding Flowers

'Wedding Flowers'
16 x 10
Watercolor on Paper

We had such a wonderful time at Vera and Willis' gorgeous wedding!
The couple of course were the most gorgeous of all.

Thursday, July 21

Simply Radishing

'Simply Radishing'
Watercolor on Paper, 11 x 6

Those fine farmers at the Next Barn Over in Hadley, Massachusetts sure do grow gorgeous vegetables!

Friday, July 15

One, Two, Waterlilies

Title 'One, Two, Waterlilies'
7 x 10 watercolor on paper
Collection SJC

Anyone who knows SJC is wishing her a blessed new chapter of life on Long Island.
We walked by the Smith Pond before she moved (can you hear the bullfrogs' deep croaking?)
and admired lilies strikingly similar to the ones here, which I had started painting a long time ago and had been working on here and there since, so it went w her as a thank you and good luck symbol.

Sorry it is sideways, please tilt your head to the left! Thanks.

Monday, June 20

The Week Before Commencement

Title 'The Week Before Commencement'
Watercolor on Paper 11 x 8
available unframed for $60

Painting outdoors in the shade at the Smith Botanical Gardens one could just feel the hummmm of the approaching ceremonies.

Wednesday, June 15

big party

'big party'
Watercolor on paper 9 x 12.5

Festiva Maxima, a thrill like no other

Tuesday, May 10

Bee Balm's Point of View

Title: 'Bee Balm's Point of View'
Watercolor on Paper 12 x 9.5

Afternoon trees pour long shadows over the yard while the bee balm looks on.

Sunday, May 1

belated happy birthday

Title: 'belated happy birthday'
12 x 9 Watercolor on Paper

Wednesday, April 13


Title: 'carnationstation'
Size: 9 x 6
Watercolor on Paper

Sunday, March 6

Nick on deck

Title: Nick on deck
Size: 7 x 6
watercolor on paper

relaxing on a summer eve

Saturday, February 19

Sam G back from French camp

Title: 'Sam G back from French camp'
Size: 8 x 4
Watercolor on Paper

Monday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day to all you lovely subscribers and passer's by!
May you feel the love.

Saturday, February 12

Tribute to C on her 60th

Title: 'Tribute to C on her 60th'
Size: 12 x 8
Watercolor on Paper

Friday, February 11

Peony's day off

Title: 'Peony's day off'
Size: 11 x 8
Watercolor on paper

Sunday, January 23

celosia summer morning

Title: 'celosia summer morning'
Size: 7.5 x 9
Watercolor on paper

As you can see, the theme of late is surviving the thick of winter by painting some of summer's wonder.

Sunday, January 16

Petunia in a cup

Title: 'Petunia in a cup'
Size 8.5 x 6
Watercolor on Paper

Another floral friend for you on a bright winter day.

Monday, January 3

New Year Zinnia

Title: 'New Year Zinnia'
Size: 3.5 x 3
Watercolor on Paper

A little taste of summer to brighten the new year, with sweet wishes for all who view it