Sunday, December 31

A Still Life Story


I like the way still lifes can tell a story and help to savor a memory.

This past September, I felt blessed to take my Mom to the farmers market on a perfect late summer day. I brought her some dahlias from my garden, and off we went.

After parking we continued straight to the flower grower's stall; I was thrilled to snag the last clutch of sweet peas. Their delicious scent kept me company as I laid down the bones of this painting in the days that followed. After the bouquet was long gone, I continued working on the painting here and there, as I'm wont to do, each time savoring the memory of a very sweet day.

Thank you for being there and looking at my art.
Have a sweet start to your 2018!

Monday, December 4

Standing Up for Ourselves

"Reclaiming My Time"
watercolor 10 x 14

"Reclaiming My Time" is inspired by Senator Maxine Waters. Her actions have shown me how confidence and sanity can prevail. I call on her example to get through the days, and wanted to paint a tribute to her. Next time you are finding there is too much crazy I hope you, too, can reclaim your time. And it might even be with a paintbrush in hand :)<3 .="" br="">

Saturday, April 1

Roses and Ranunculus in March

'The Tolerations of March'
16 x 10 watercolor

The month of March tests the patience of New Englanders. Everyone finds their own way to tolerate the days spent ready for spring when spring is swelling but not yet arrived -- still covered in chilly rain and iratic bursts of windy snow. The birds are singing, but it's too cold too play in the garden.

Flowers, perhaps, might be just the thing to help us get through. These roses and ranunculi certainly made my March! I hope you like them too -- please comment and let me know some of your favorite March tolerations. Or maybe you rather let me know your favorite things about April...

Happy Spring everyone!

Monday, March 13

Roses and Ranunculus

Hello Art Lovers!
Just wanted to give you a glimpse of this work in progress. Nothing more soothing than a bunch of roses and ranunculi with some quiet time on a Sunday to play with brushes on paper. Stay tuned for the finished piece.

Friday, January 20

Watercolor still life w pear

5 x 10 Watercolor on paper

When truth shimmers in and out, I'm grateful to know that a pear is a pear.
I painted this over several months, letting the layers build until the atmosphere felt right.